


大学跨学科研究 (UIS) is the University’s interdisciplinary general education program. UIS courses educate students with fundamental areas of knowledge that challenge students to go beyond their chosen specializations.



The 大学跨学科研究 general education courses are designed to provide shared learning experiences for students in baccalaureate programs at the 立博体育官网 through a core of common studies. Since faculty from all schools and colleges of the University teach these courses, the curriculum takes full advantage of the diverse resources of the institution. In addition to providing students breadth of knowledge in their liberal education, the UIS makes clear the relationships among disciplinary areas of knowledge through integrative, 跨学科的课程.


All students in baccalaureate programs are required to take at least four 大学跨学科研究 courses, from each of the four breadth categories (for a minimum of 12 UIS credits) over their four years as p艺术 of graduation requirements. Each student must take at least one 多样性 (D) designated UIS course, 哪个解决了复杂的种族问题, 种族, 性别偏见, 性取向, 性别认同, class, 残疾, 宗教, 人权, 自由, 赋权, or the continuing struggles around the world for 社会 equality.  Students may take an additional UIS course as an elective.


请参阅我们的完整课程描述 本科目录.


这类课程涉及想象力, 培养灵活的思维方式, and provide distinctive ways of understanding human beings and nature. 建筑学知识, 艺术, 跳舞, 戏剧, 文学, and music opens channels of communication and leads to a realization of the complexities and interrelationships of human society. These courses examine how individuals and cultures express themselves and provide opportunities for students to actively engage in the creative process.



Courses in this category seek to develop knowledge of global culture and history, providing access to a diversity of cultures and to the traditions, 值, 以及为这些文化提供立博网站中文版的实践. We live in a blend of constantly changing societies and need to understand both how such societies function and how they were developed. These courses allow students to appreciate the richness, 复杂性, 以及其他生活方式的重要性. 以便作为公民有效地参与, students need to understand past events and their links to present ones.



Courses in this category are designed to provide students with an understanding of themselves and how they relate formally and informally with others in groups, 机构, 以及政治和经济背景. Courses emphasize human needs and behaviors; group relationships and processes; the evolution and nature of value systems; and techniques for accumulating, 不断扩大的, and transmitting experience and knowledge to succeeding generations. These courses examine how groups of individuals interact, 社会对个人的影响, and encourage students to explore the processes and practices by which change occurs in 社会 units.


Natural, Scientific, and Technological Exploration (UIST)

Courses in this category seek to develop a greater awareness of science and technology and their human, 社会, 政治影响. These courses encourage an understanding and application of scientific methods. Students learn to differentiate between science and technology, understand the limitations that are inherent in scientific inquiry, and evaluate the risks and benefits of technological advances. These courses examine how people interact with and understand the natural world and the tools they use to do so.





UISC190:电子游戏 & 文化动力[3]

在这个充满活力和发人深省的课程中, 学生将深入研究电子游戏的世界, 不仅仅是作为一种娱乐形式, but as a powerful lens through which contemporary society and culture can be understood. 在本课程中, students will explore how video games have become an integral p艺术 of our cultural landscape, influencing aspects of everyday life from identity formation to community building and societal discourse. The emergence of video games as a cultural force will be examined, as well as the role in which video games shape modern p艺术icipatory culture and consumption patterns, and the impact of video games on identity and societal transformations. This course is designed for undergraduate students interested in video games, 社会学, 媒体, 以及文化研究.



Students will examine historic and present systemic racism, 性别歧视, and other “isms” in order to understand both the challenges and opportunities presented by inequality and discrimination in the business world. Students will also learn how to p艺术icipate in and lead safe discussions on diversity topics, 为组织改进提出建议, and acquire the expertise and tools to become change agents.


玛格丽特·R. Tarampi
Director of 大学跨学科研究; Associate Professor


Associate Director, 教师 liaison and 课程 Content, Instructor

夏天 & 冬季项目




This form is used to request permission for an override into a UIS category course (ex. UISA, usc, UIST和uss). 每次提交的表格是针对一个课程的请求.


Courses taken through a 立博体育官网-administered study abroad program may be used to count toward your UIS course requirements. All courses must be pre-approved to count for UIS course credit. 

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